Avril Lavigne

                                         آوریل لاوین


سلام به همه ی دوستان.                                                                                           Hello every one,the english language is under text Farsi

این سایت رو فقط راحع به یکی از بهترین خواننده ای هست که میشناسم ساختم.سبک خوندنش راک و پاپ هست .اون یه خواننده ایه اهل کانادا و ملیتش آمریکایی.متولد 1984/09/27 چشم آبی موها مايل به قهوه ای{خرمايی} و 2تا خالکوبی تو دستش داره یکی رو مچ سمت راستش که عکس یه ستارست ویکی هم رو دست سمت چپش که عکس یه قلب کوچولو صورتی که توش اول حرف حاج آقاش نوشته.اسم شوهرش دریک هست.در یکی از مصاحبه هاش گفته که کار گروه هایی مثل Blink-182 و Green Day و System of a Down و همچنین گروهی که نامزدش در اون هست Sum 41 رو معمولا تو اوقات فراغتش گوش میده.
خواننده ای که الان ما به نام کلی کلارسون میشناسیم نیز قسمتی از محبوبیتش رو مدیون آوریل و شعرهای اون هست. چرا که توی آلبوم دوم کلی کلارسون به نام Breakaway که اونو شماره 6 آمریکا در سال 2005 کرد آوریل Song Writer قسمتی از آلبومش بوده.بزارین یکم دیگه از بیوگرافیش بگم.قدش 157 سانتی متر و وزنشم 47 کیلو گرمه.رنگ های مورد علاقه اش مشکی و قرمزه.اگه می بینید بک گراند سایتم مشکیه واسه همینه.سازش گیتار و شماره کفشش 7 هست.اسم کاملشو نگفتم: Avril Ramona Lavigne اسم باباش جان لاوین هست که فرانسوی-کاناداییه.اسم مامانش جودی لاوین هست.اونم فرانسوی-کاناداییه.یه داداش داره ازش بزرگ تره اسمش متیو.یه آبجی هم داره Michelle{کوچکتر }.حيوان خانگی: Sam{سگ نژاد آلمانی }
. فکر کنم از بیوگرافیش زیاد گفتم.


حالا بیوگرافیه اصلی که همون زندگی نامشه:

23ساله در یکی از روستا های ایالت انتریو کانادا به دنیا امد . در روستایی که جمعیت ان حدود 5 هزاز نفر بود . روحیه شیطنت امیز و گستاخی که او را بیشتر به پسر ها شبیه می کرد . اورا به زودی از دختران هم سنش متفاوت کرد . او در 13 سالگی اولین شعرش را نوشت و شروع بع فرا گیری گیتار کرد . وقتی وارد دبیرستان شد نوار ویدئوی کنسرت کوچک خود را در دبیرستان به چندین و چند کمپانی در شمال امریکا فرستاد ، خوشبختانه شخصیت اصلی (Arista Records) یعنی انتونیو رید صدای او را شنید . او بهش پیشنهاد یه معامله داد و در 16 سالگی رویای موزیک اوریل لاوین به واقعیت پیوست . با کمک رید ، یک اپارتمان جدید در مانهاتان اجاره کرد . اینجا بود که Avril خودش را در محاصره اهنگ نویسی های درجه یک و تهیه کننده ها میدید اما برای او به اندازه کافی تاثیر گذار نبود تا ادامه دهد . او همیشه به نظرات خودش برای خلق یک جرقه موزیکال و چیزهایی که از قبل برنامه ریزی نشده بودند تکیه داشت . با این حال خیال او بیهوده نبود . او به طرف L.A رفت و تهیه کننده و اهنگساز خودش کلیف مگنس را پیدا کرد که صدای ملودیک و پر اوج و البوم اولش (lets go) محصولش بود .

اولین البوم او سه سال پیش منتشر شد و به سرعت مورد توجه قرار گرفت . ضرب اهنگ های قوی و مملو از گوشه های سبک راک ، از او تصویری خشن ، اشوبگر و متفاوت ارائه داد . در عین حال شعرها و اهنگ ها لطافت عمیف خود را حفظ کرده بودند . اهنگ هایی مثل (Complicated) و  (Sk8er Boi) برای مدتی جزو Top Ten بود در حالی که اهنگ هایی مثل (Im With You) و (Losing Grip) مداوم از رادیو پخش می شد . باچ واکر از مارس 2003 برای تهیه البوم دوم Avril اعلام امادگی کرد . (Under My Skin) در می 2004 ظاهر شد اما در این البوم مضامینی جدید با سبکی جدید مخلوط شد . او با تغییر شخصیت و موضوع ترانه ها ، از زبان یک دختر دردمند و احساساتی درباره عشق و استقلال عاطفی می خواند . Avril در ترانه (Take Me Away) از زبان دختری که از تنهایی ، درد عاطفی و از عدم درک احساساتش توسط دیگران رنج می برد می گوید ولی در جستجوی راهی است که از تنهایی و انزوا بیرون بیایید. احساسی که میلیونها نو جوان در همه دنیا با ان در ان شریک هستند و به این ترتیب Avril در این ترانه ها و ترانه های دیگر این البوم، زبان درد نوجوان های همسن خود می شود که ارزو می کنند عشق انها را از انزوایی دردناک رها کند . یکی دیگر از ترانه های این البوم (Don’t Tell Me) نام دارد که فراخوانی است برای فروتنی و احترام به نفس و خودداری، در جهانی که اشعار بیشتر ترانه های خوانندگان هم سن و سال او از همخوابگی و لذت های فوری سخن می گویند . در این البوم ترانه های موفق دیگری نیز وجود دارد که می توان به (My Happy Ending)  که موضوعی همچون ترانه (Don’t Tell Me) دارد توجه کرد . و به نظر منزیبا ترین و بهترین کار این البوم ترانه (No Bodys Home) می باشد که از باقی کارهای این البوم قوی تر می باشد .(طبق امار خیلی از بچه هایی که از خونشون فرار کرده بودند با شنیدن این ترانه باز هم به والدین خود اعتماد کردند و به خانه باز گشتند.... 

 بر طبق مجله ی Teen People آوریل از نظر درآمد در سال 2005 بعد از دوقلو های توینز 
وماریا شاراپوا و هیلاری داف در جای چهارم قرار داره.

 آلبومهای آوريل لاوين عبارتند از :


2-Under My Skin

بادادن اين آلبوم جديد مقام اول Pop Charts رو به خود اختصاص داد اونم بدون هيچ عمل غيراخلاقی.نه لباس‌های مبتــذل و سکسی می‌پوشـه و نه رقص وسوسه آميز انجام ميـده و نه به حوادث بصورت خلاصـه اشاره می‌كنه و هيچ Lyrics تحريك كننده ای هم نخونده.Avril ازهمه خواننــده‌ها و همه رديف‌هــای خود هم خودش رو جســورتر نشون ميده وهم منظورش رو بصورت روشنتر و واضحتر بيان ميكنه.رفتاروگفتاراون باعث شده ميليــون‌ها بچـــه دوبـــاره به پدرومادرشون اطمينان بدن.

ولی Avril Lavigne ممكنه كه تاثيرگذارترين و نفوذ ناپذيرترين و مرموزترين ســتاره‌ی Teen-Pop در تمام دوران
بشه.از دو سال گذشته تا حالا خصوصيات Avril بودن در اون متـــمركز شده همون خصوصـــياتی كه در آلبــوم
Under My Skin بازگو می‌كنه.اون به هيچ چيز خيانت نكرده و حتی الان هم پس از گذشـت چند ســال با روش خود كه باعث موفقــيـت فــوق‌العاده‌ی اولـــين آلبوم خود بنـام Let Go شد هنــوز هـم هرجــوری كه هست كارنامه‌ عمل خودش رو بدون لكه‌ ننگی تميز نگه داشته.

ساده بودن همون چيزی هست كه باعث شده بهترين آهنگ‌هاش مــقاوم و ســخت و پايدار باشـن حالا خواه اينكه شايسته‌ی Punk يا Faux يا Maudlin Ballad باشه Avril اين آهنگ‌ها رو قطعـــاوكاملا به طور صــريح و
و بی‌پرده می‌خــــونه .شما مـــی‌تونين هر چقدر كه بخوايــــن آهنگ‌هاشو گوش بدين.موزيـــك Avril واقعـاديوانه كنندس و خيلی سخته كه بگيم در كدوم دسته موسيــــقی قرارش بديم - آهنـــگ موفقيــت آميز ودرخشـان I'm With You تقريبا يه صدا و حال و هوای ييلاقی غير قايل احساس داشــت و يك ملودی مبــــهـم و سربسته و يك همخوانی كه نمی‌تونه بيـجا و بی‌محـــل به عنوان يه مدعـــی آمريكايی مطـــرح بشه اگرچـــه هيچكدوم ازاين مدعيان و مسابقه‌دهندگان نمی‌تونستن به اين سادگـــی است آهنـــــــگ رو بخونن.

درآلـبـــوم جديـــدش يعنی Under My Skin با يك ماتريس تيمی رو كه روی بيشتر آهنگ‌های آلبوم Let Go كار كرده بودن رو جدا كرد Avril دراين آلبوم جديد با يه گروه Songwriter غير قابل تحمل و گيتاريستش
Evan Taubenfeld و Songwriter كانادايـــــی Chantal Kreviazuk شــــروع بكار كرد و در تهيه اين آلبـــوم با بهم پيوستن اين عوامل آلبومی قابل قبول و فرمول دار تری بوجود آورد.

درآلبـــوم Under My Skin هيچ فكر وهدف تازهای وارد نميكنه بلكه چهره‌ آهنــگ‌های آلبوم قبلی يعنـــی Let Go رو درخــشان‌ترميكنه اغلب اوقات صداش رو در يك آهنگ به چند جور و نوع تغير ميده تا مطمئن بشه كه شما از خوانندگی
اون خســـــته نشدين و زيبايی Chorus ها رو درك می‌كنين.

آهنگ اصلی ومهم اين آلبوم همون آهنگی كه زودتر ازخود آلبوم Under My Skin منتشر شد كه Don't Tell Me نام داره ميشه گفت كه آهنگی هســت كه بيشترين شخصيت Avril رو درخودش داره و نشون ميده كه اودنبال چه چيزی هست و منظورش چيــــه .

اون دراين Clip با يه بوسه‌ شرم آور دوست‌پسرشهوتی خودش رو می‌خواد ترك ‌بكنه و همين كه شــروع می‌كنه بعنوان يه گيتاريست گيتار ميزنه از پسره می‌پرســـه كه:
آيا به تونگفتم كه من اون دخترنيستم ﴿اون دختری كه تو انتظار داری باشم﴾-كسی كـه مرتبا وبطور پيوسته اونو به تو ميده؟ فكر می‌كردی كه می‌خواستم اونو به تو تسليم كنم؟
شايد منظورش يه بوسه بوده.نحوه‌ بيان اين مسئله و ديدگاه ممكنه رنج‌ آور باشه ولـی درعوض اون باصدای خوبش ازپس اين كار بر مياد صدايی كه تظاهر به صداقت و درستكاری ميكنه.

در اين آلبوم هيچ آهنگی شبيه به آهنگ " Nobody's Fool " نيست آهنگی كه سبكه Hip-Hop در خـــــودش
داره و بطور آزمايشی خوانده شده و درآلبوم Let Go قرار دارد.تنها چيـــزی كه درايــــن آلبوم Avril Lavigne
تغيير نكرده وسواسی بودن و دقت زياد او در آمــــــاده كردن اين آلبوم بود.اون به تنهايی تمام هجاها رو تلفظ
می‌كنه يعنی اينكه Background Vocal هم نداره و آهنگ‌هــــــاشو به تنهايـــــی می‌خونه.از خواندن تند تند
و محكم ادا كردن هجاها مثله بعضی خواننده‌ها كه می‌خوان ما رو متقـــاعد كنن كه ترانه‌شون معنا خاصـــی
داره ، خودداری می‌كنه.كلمات و ريتـم‌ها همون چيـــــــزهايی هستن كه Avril ميخواد به مخاطب برســـونه
و همين ها كافی هستن.

بعضی از ترانه‌هاش مبهم هستن و نمايان شدن صورت خشك Avril هم در فهماندن معنی ترانه كمكـــــــی
نميتونه بكنه.در آهنگ How Does It Feel از ايـــن آلبوم اون بارها و بارها می‌پرسه كه :

متفاوت بودن با من چه احساسی داره؟ شمادراين آهنگ پی ميبريـن كه Avril چندان علاقه‌مند به شنيدن

جواب اين سوال نيست و هنوزهم كسی پيدا نشده كه اين احســـاس سادگی ملال‌آور و خسته‌كننده‌

دوران Teenage مانند احســــــاس اون رو براش پيـــش اومده باشه.

بهترين آهنگ آلبوم Under My Skin كه كمی هم خشن هست آهنگ He Wasn't نام داره .درLyrics اين
آهنگ جملات نامفهومی از قبيل :

اون هيچ وقت نمی‌خواست در رو باز كنه/هيچ وقت باعث نشد اونی كه هستم رو احساس كنم.
وجود دارد.اين جملات پر از احساس خفت و خواری و دلسوزی به حال خود هستند ولی Avril طــــــــوری اين
جملات رو می‌حونه كه انگار زياد ناراحت نيست .

آنسوی ملـــودی‌های تفريحـــی و زيبـــا درآخرين كار Avril بنــام Don't Tell Me مردمی هـم كنار اين خواننده‌ زندگی می‌كنن انگار كه وجود خارجی ندارن.

اين موضوعاتی كه Avril دراين آلبوم مورد بررسی قرار میدهد خيلی بالغ ‌ترازدوران Teenage اون و"آلبــــوم 2002 بنام Let Go ميباشد.

اون ميگه : "من همون شخص هستم و همونی هستم كه روی آهنگ‌های هر دو آلبــــوم كار كردم ، ولــــی
سليقه‌ی من تغيير كرده.وقتی روی اولين Record كار می‌كردم مانند يه دختره ۱۶ ساله بودم."

در حالی كه بعضی از آهنگ‌ها در دومين آلبوم Avril تاريك‌تر و مبهم‌ترند ، نشون ميده كه آهنگ‌هـــاش كمـــــی
سنگين‌تر شدن.

Avril توضيح ميده كه : "وقتی شما جوانترين ، زودتر رشد می‌كنين و هميشه در حال عوض كردن و تغيـير دادن
ذهن خود هستين.شما يك روزی در اين راه قرار می‌گيرين و روز ديگر در راه ديگری.شما تلاش می‌كنين كــــــه
تفاوت اونی كه هستين با اونی كه می‌خواين باشين رو بفهمين و اين دو رو تمايز بدين.Under My Skin چيـــزی
هست كه من در موردش فكر می‌كنم ، چيزی كه ممكنه منو اذيت كنه و چيزيه كه در كنار منه"

مهم‌تر از همه اينه كه Avril رشد كرده و به عنوان يه Songwriter هم فـــعاليت مــــی‌كــنه و حتی به درجـه يه
businesswoman رسيده و ميدونه كه آروم و آهسته پيش رفتن خوبه ولی تغيير جهت كار درستی نيست.

اون ميگه : "من در راه موســــيقی تيره تری هستم و ميدونســتم كه بايد روی آهنگ‌های Rock كار كنم ولی
همون موقع به عنوان يه ستاره‌ی Pop مطرح شدم.من نمی‌خوام جهتگيـــری مخالف در برابر موســــيقی Pop
داشته باشم.من از Pop متنفر نيستم بلكه ميخوام در كنار اين دو سبك فعاليت كنم."

خلاصه از این آلبوم بیشترین آهنگی که دوست دارم و نرم میخونه همون slipped away هست.حتما گوش بدید.

3-   The best Damn things:

این آهنگه 2007 هست.3تا از آهنگاش نرم و احساساتیه و کلمه ها رو با قاطعیت و جذابیت تمام میگه.12کلیپ هست که آهنگ دوست دختر توجه خیلی ها رو به خودش جذب کرده.ولی من تو این 12 کلیپ از when you'r gone و Innocence و keep holding on خوشم میاد که باز از این 3 تا از innocence(بی گناهی) بیشتر خوشم میاد.مخصوصا تلفظ هایی که میکنه واقعا قشنگه.

حالا از مصاحبه سال 2006 که ازش راجع به آلبوم بعدیش پرسیدن میگم:

نیویورک - سپتامبر 2006 (هفته مد) Diesel Show

یک چیزی که خیلی واضح است اینه که او دیگه کراوات رو کنار گذاشته و دیگه لباسهای پانکی نمیپوشه. آوریل خودش میگه که خیلی وقته که کراوات نزدم ... همه لباسهای بگی و کراواتها همه رو توی کمد خودم نگه داشتم. اما الان لباسهای بسیار زیبا میپوشم شلوارهای تنگتر و لباسهای بلندتر چون که من بزرگتر شده ام.

در مورد دیزل شو میگفت دخترا (مدلها) خیلی لاغر هستن و وقتی اونها رو نگاه میکنه به شوخی میگه که منم باید 10 پوند وزنم رو کم کنم.

در مورد زندگیش واقعا رضایت کامل رو داره چون از نظر اون دریک یک انسان فوق العاده هست.
این عین گفته خودش هست انرژی رو در کلامش میشه احساس کرد:
Married life f---in' rocks!" she said. "If you're with the right person, it's amazing."

در مورد آلبوم جدیدش که 15 ترک خواهد داشت اینطور میگفت که در بیشتر کارهاش دریک فعالیت خواهد کرد از افراد دیگه ای که در این آلبوم جدید اونو یاری میدن اینا هستن:

Rob Cavallo (Green Day), Dr. Luke (Kelly Clarkson)i
در مورد کار جدیدش میگفت که متفاوت با کارهای قبلی هست و چند تا Love Song هم توی کاراش هست (هرجند همیشه تو کاراش بوده). در مورد کارهای دیگش میگفت که توی کاراش مثل قبل برای پسرا با اون لحن خاص خودش هم آهنگ خواهد داشت. و در کل این کار جدیدش رو خیلی باحال و متفاوت میدونه و با اطمینان خاطر میگفت که این بهترین آلبوم من خواهد شد.

ولی ما فقط 12 ترک اونو دیدیم.و بهترین آلبومش تا حالا همون آندر مای اسکین هست و طبق نظر خواهی که از سایتا دیدم این آلبوم یه نصفه ستاره از آلبوم قبلیش پایین تره.من میگم به خاطره همون نامزدش باید باشه.....


خب حالا دانلود آهنگ های آوریل لاوین :

تو سه سوت دانلود میکنین چون wma 64kb هست و همش تو همون 1.5 Mb هست.البته برنامه های زیادی هست که اونو به 128kb mp3 درش بیارین که هر کدومش تقریبا 5 مگابایت میشه.البته همشو مدیون بیا تو هستیم که آپش کرده . خیلی وقت پیش زیاد دنبال دانلود آهنگای 2007 بودم.هر جایی که میگفت دانلود error می داد واسه همین دقت کردم بهترین لینک رو یهتون بدم که error نده:

The Best Dumn Things  (for 2007)  ===> page for download track trackصفحه ی دانلود برای دانلود ترک ترک سه صوت

:بزارین متن آهنگ های 2007 هم رو واستون بزارم تا بگیرید چی میخونه


Uh oh Uh oh

When you're around I don't know what to do
I do not think that I can wait
To go over and to talk to you
I do not know what I should say

So I walk out in silence
That's when I start to realize
What you bring to my life
Damn this guy can make me cry

It's so contagious
I cannot get it out of my mind
It's so outrageous
You make me feel so high all the time

They all say that you're no good for me
But I'm too close to turn around
I'll show them they don't know anything
I think I've got you figured out

So I walk out in silence
That's when I start to realize
What you bring to my life
Damn this guy can make me smile

It's so contagious
I cannot get it out of my mind
It's so outrageous
You make me feel so high

I will give you everything
I will treat you right
If you just give me a chance
I can prove I'm right

It's so contagious
I cannot get it out of my mind
It's so outrageous
You make me feel so high…
One of those girls

I know your kind of girl
You only care about one thing
Who you've seen or where you've been
Who's got money

I see that look in your eyes
It tells a million lies
But deep inside I know why
You're talking to him

I know what you're all about
I really hope he figures it out

She's one of those girls, nothing but trouble
Just one look, and now you're seeing double
Before you know it she'll be gone
Off to the next one

She's so good that you won't see it coming
She'll take you for a ride and you'll be left with nothing
You'll be broken she'll be gone
Off to the next one

She's going to be the end of you
At least that's what they say
It's been a while, you're in denial
And now it's too late

The way she looks it makes you high
All the warning signs
Cause her blonde hair, her blue eyes
It makes you want to die

I know what she's all about
I really hope you figure it out

She's one of those girls, nothing but trouble
Just one look, and now you're seeing double
Before you know it she'll be gone
Off to the next one

She's so good that you won't see it coming
She'll take you for a ride and you'll be left with nothing
You'll be broken she'll be gone
Off to the next one

You know it's a game, You know it's a game
She's keeps playing around with your head
Playing around with your head

She's so insane, So insane
She's the one to blame
She's the one to blame

She's one of those girls, nothing but trouble
Just one look, and now you're seeing double
Before you know it she'll be gone
Off to the next one

She's so good that you won't see it coming
She'll take you for a ride and you'll be left with nothing
You'll be broken she'll be gone
Off to the next one

Off to the next one…
I don’t have to try

I'm the one I'm the one who knows the dance
I'm the one I'm the one who's got the prance
I'm the one I'm the one who wears the pants
I wear the pants

I'm the one who tells you what to do
You're the one you're the one if I let you
I'm the one I'm the one who wears the pants
I wear the pants

Hey You follow me
I'll take the lead can't you see
Don't you question me
You just do what I say

I don't care what you're saying
I don't care what you're thinking
I don't care about anything
Get ready get ready cause I'm happening

I don't care what you're saying
I don't care what you're thinking
I don't care about anything
Get ready get ready cause I'm on the scene

I don't have to try
To make you realize
Anything I wanna do
Anything I'm gonna do
Anything I wanna do I do
And I don't have to try

Don't you disagree
Cause you know
It's all about me

Be at my beck and call
I'm a know it all
And it's all your fault

I don't care what you're saying
I don't care what you're thinking
I don't care about anything
Get ready get ready cause I'm happening

I don't care what you're saying
I don't care what you're thinking
I don't care about anything
Get ready get ready cause I'm on the scene

I don't have to try
To make you realize
Anything I wanna do
Anything I'm gonna do
Anything I wanna do I do
And I don't have to try

I don't have to try
To make you realize
Anything I wanna do
Anything I'm gonna do
Anything I wanna do I do
And I don't have to try

Waking up I see that everything is ok
The first time in my life and now it's so great
Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
I think about the little things that make life great
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling

This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect, please don't go away, I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by

I found a place so safe, not a single tear
The first time in my life and now it's so clear
Feel calm I belong, I'm so happy here
It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling

This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect, please don't go away, I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by

It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry

It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry

It's so beautiful it makes you want to cry

This innocence is brilliant, it makes you want to cry
This innocence is brilliance, please don't go away
Cause I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by

This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect, please don't go away, I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by



You're so good to me, baby, baby

I want to lock you up in my closet, where no one's around
I want to put your hand in my pocket, because you're allowed
I want to drive you into the corner, and kiss you without a sound
I want to stay this way forever, I'll say it loud
Now you're in and you can't get out

You make me so hot
Make me wanna drop
You're so ridiculous
I can barely stop
I can hardly breathe
You make me wanna scream
You're so fabulous
You're so good to me baby, baby
You're so good to me baby, baby

I can make you feel all better, just take it in
And I can show you all the places, you've never been
And I can make you say everything, that you never said
And I will let you do anything, again and again
Now you're in and you can't get out

You make me so hot
Make me wanna drop
You're so ridiculous
I can barely stop
I can hardly breathe
You make me wanna scream
You're so fabulous
You're so good to me baby, baby
You're so good to me baby, baby

Kiss me gently
Always I know
Hold me love me
Don't ever go, oh oh oh...

You make me so hot
Make me wanna drop
You're so ridiculous
I can barely stop
I can hardly breathe
You make me wanna scream
You're so fabulous
You're so good to me

You make me so hot
Make me wanna drop
You're so ridiculous
I can barely stop
I can hardly breathe
You make me wanna scream
You're so fabulous
You're so good to me baby, baby
You're so good to me baby, baby

You're so good
Everything Back But You

Today was the worst day I went through hell
I wish I could remove it from my mind
Two months away from you but I couldn't tell
I thought everything was gonna be just fine

The post card that you wrote with the stupid little note
Something wasn't quite right about it
It smelt like cheap perfume
It's not like you
There's no way you can get around it
Because you wrote

I wish you were her
You left without me
You left without me
And now you're somewhere out there
With some bitch slut psycho babe
I hate you, why are guys so lame
Everything back but you

You first tried to tell me all along
That you werent the right one for me
My friends tried to tell me to be strong
I bet you didnt think that I would see

The postcard that you wrote
With the stupid little note
There wasn't something quite right about it
I wanna to see you cry
Like I did a thousand times
Now you're losing me you're losing me now

When You're Gone

I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cried
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
Is made up on your side

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it ok
I miss you


Got up on the wrong side of life today yeah
Crashed the car and I'm gonna be really late
My phone doesn't work cause it's out of range
Looks like it's just one of those kind of days

You can't kick me down I'm already on the ground
No you can't cause you couldn't catch me anyhow
Blue skies but the sun isn't coming out no
Today it's like I'm under a heavy cloud

And I feel so alive
I can't help myself, don't you realize

I just wanna scream and lose control
Throw my hands up and let it go
Forget about everything and runaway, yeah

I just want to fall and lose myself
Laughing so hard it hurts like hell
Forget about everything and runaway, yeah

So is how I'm doing if you're wondering
I'm in a fight with the world but I'm winning
Stay there come closer it's at your own risk
Yeah you know how it is life can be a bitch

But I feel so alive
I can't help myself, don't you realize

I just wanna scream and lose control
Throw my hands up and let it go
Forget about everything and runaway, yeah

I just want to fall and lose myself
Laughing so hard it hurts like hell
Forget about everything and runaway, yeah

Runaway, runaway...
Runaway, runaway...
Runaway, runaway...
Runaway, run, run away...
Runaway, runaway...
Runaway, run, run away...

I just wanna scream and lose control
Throw my hands up and let it go
Forget about everything and runaway, yeah

I just want to fall and lose myself
Laughing so hard it hurts like hell
Forget about everything and runaway yeah

I just wanna scream and lose control
Throw my hands up and let it go
Forget about everything and runaway, yeah

I just want to fall and lose myself
Laughing so hard it hurts like hell
Forget about everything and runaway, yeah

I Can Do Better

I couldn't give a damn what you say to me
I don't really care what you think of me
cause either way you're gonna think what you believe
there's nothing you could say that would hurt me

I'm better off without you anyway
I thought it would be hard but I'm ok
I don't need you if you're gonna be that way
cause with me it's all or nothing

I'm sick of your shit don't deny
you're a waste of time
I'm sick of your shit
don't ask why

I Hate you now
So go away from me
You're gone
So long
I can do better
I can do better
I found myself again
That's why
I can do better
I can do better

You're so full of shit
I can't stand the way you have to just can (?) comprehend
I don't think that she can handle it
I'm way over,
over it

I will drink as much Lemoncello as I can
and I'll do it again and again
I don't really care what you have to say
Cuz you know you know you're nothing

I'm sick of your shit don't deny
you're a waste of time
I'm sick of your shit
don't ask why

I Hate you now
So go away from me
You're gone
So long
I can do better
I can do better
I found myself again
That's why
I can do better
I can do better


Hey, hey, you, you
I don't like your girlfriend
No way, no way
I think you need a new one
Hey, hey, you, you
I could be your girlfriend

Hey, hey, you, you
I know that you like me
No way, no way
No, it's not a secret
Hey, hey, you, you
I want to be your girlfriend

You're so fine I want you mine you're so delicious
I think about you all the time you're so addictive
Don't you know what I can do to make you feel alright (Alright...)

Don't pretend I think you know I'm damn precious
And hell yeah, I'm the mother fucking princess
I can tell you like me too and you know I'm right (I'm right...)

She's like so whatever
You could do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that's what everyone's talking about

Hey, hey, you, you
I don't like your girlfriend
No way, no way
I think you need a new one
Hey, hey, you, you
I could be your girlfriend

Hey, hey, you, you
I know that you like me
No way, no way
No, it's not a secret
Hey, hey, you, you
I want to be your girlfriend

I can see the way, I see the way you look at me
And even when you look away I know you think of me
I know you talk about me all the time again and again (Again and again...)

So come over here and tell me what I wanna hear
Better, yet, make your girlfriend disappear
I don't wanna hear you say her name ever again (And again...)


She's like so whatever
And she could do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that's what everyone's talking about

Hey, hey, you, you
I don't like your girlfriend
No way, no way
I think you need a new one
Hey, hey, you, you
I could be your girlfriend

Hey, hey, you, you
I know that you like me
No way, no way
No, it's not a secret
Hey, hey, you, you
I want to be your girlfriend

In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger
'Cause I can, 'cause I can do it better
There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in
She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?

In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger
'Cause I can, 'cause I can do it better
There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in
She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?

Hey, hey, you, you (Hey)
I don't like your girlfriend (Yes)
No way, no way (No way)
I think you need a new one
Hey, hey, you, you (No way)
I could be your girlfriend (No way)

(No way, no way)

Hey, hey, you, you (Hey)
I know that you like me
No way, no way
No, it's not a secret (No way)
Hey, hey, you, you (No way)
I want to be your girlfriend
(No way, no way)

Hey, hey, you, you
I don't like your girlfriend (No way!)
No way, no way
I think you need a new one (Hey!)
Hey, hey, you, you
I could be your girlfriend (No way, no way)

Hey, hey, you, you
I know that you like me (Now way!)
No way, no way
No, it's not a secret (Hey!)
Hey, hey, you, you (No way)
I want to be your girlfriend (No way, now way)

Hey, hey!

The best damn thing

Let me hear you say hey hey hey!
Hey hey hey!
Alright, now let me hear you say hey hey ho!
Hey hey ho!

I hate it when a guy doesn't get the door
Even though I told him yesterday and the day before
I hate it when a guy doesn't get the tab
And I have to pull my money out and that looks bad

Where are the hopes, where are the dreams
My Cinderella story scene
When do you think they'll finally see

That you're not not not gonna get any better
You won't won't won't you won't get rid of me never
Like it or not even though she's a lot like me
We're not the same

And yeah yeah yeah I'm a lot to handle
You don't know trouble but I'm a hell of a scandal
Me I'm a scene I'm a drama queen
I'm the best damn thing that your eyes have ever seen

Alright, alright yeah

I hate it when a guy doesn't understand
Why a certain time of month I don't want to hold his hand
I hate it when they go out and we stay in
And they come home smelling like their ex-girlfriend

But I found my hopes I found my dreams
My Cinderella story scene
Now everybody's gonna see

That you're not not not gonna get any better
You won't won't won't you won't get rid of me never
Like it or not even though she's a lot like me
We're not the same

And yeah yeah yeah I'm a lot to handle
You don't know trouble but I'm a hell of a scandal
Me I'm a scene I'm a drama queen
I'm the best damn thing that your eyes have ever seen

Give me an A, always give me what I want
Give me a V, be very very good to me
R, are you gonna treat me right
I, I can put up a fight
Give me an L, let me hear you scream loud

One two three four

Where are the hopes, where are the dreams
My Cinderella story scene
When do you think they'll finally see

That you're not not not gonna get any better
You won't won't won't you won't get rid of me never
Like it or not even though she's a lot like me
We're not the same

And yeah yeah yeah I'm a lot to handle
You don't know trouble but I'm a hell of a scandal
Me I'm a scene I'm a drama queen
I'm the best damn thing that your eyes have ever seen

Let me hear you say hey hey hey
Alright, now let me hear you say hey hey ho

I'm the best damn thing that your eyes have ever seen
Keep holding on

You're not alone
together we stand
i'll be by your side
you know i'll take your hand
when it gets cold
and it feels like the end
theres no place to go you know i wont give in
no i wont give in.

Chorus :
Keep holding on
'cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
just stay strong
cause you know i'm here for you, i'm here for you
theres nothing you could say, nothing you could do
theres no other way when it comes to the truth
so keep holding on
cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through.
So far away i wish you were here
before it's too late this could all disapear
before the doors close, and it comes to an end
with you by my side i will fight and defend, i'll fight and defend yeah yeah.

Chorus :
Hear me when i say, when i say
i believe nothings gonna change, nothings gonna change destiny
what ever is ment to be
will work out perfectly yeah yeah yeah yeah

Download Under My Skin (for 2004) :                                                                                            : دانلود آلبوم آندر مای اسکین به صورت ترک ترک 




Bit Rate



01 Take Me Away MP3 96 Kbps 2.1 MB Download
02 Together MP3 96 Kbps 2.3 MB Download
03 Don't Tell Me MP3 96 Kbps 2.4 MB Download
04 He Wasn't MP3 96 Kbps 2.2 MB Download
05 How Does It Feel MP3 96 Kbps 2.7 MB Download
06 My Happy Ending MP3 96 Kbps 2.9 MB Download
07 Nobody's Home MP3 96 Kbps 2.5 MB Download
08 Forgotten MP3 96 Kbps 2.4 MB Download
09 Who Knows MP3 96 Kbps 2.5 MB Download
10 Fall To Pieces MP3 96 Kbps 2.5 MB Download
11 Freak Out MP3 96 Kbps 2.3 MB Download
12 Slipped Away MP3 96 Kbps 2.6 MB Download
13 I Always Get What I Want MP3 96 Kbps 1.9 MB Download
14 Nobody's Home Live Acoustic [Bonus Track] MP3 96 Kbps 2.6 MB Download



حالا نوبت هر چی باشه نوبت عکسای نازشه. وووووووووووووووووویییییییییییییییی!!!!!!!!

چون این وب پیج سنگین میشه عکسا تو این صفحست:     عکس های آوریل لاوین     


از همه دوستان به خاطره نطر انداختن به این سایت ممنونم و در صورت انتقاد یا پیشنهاد یا در هر موردی که باشه خوشحال میشم نطرتون رو به من میل بزنید avrillavigne_mili@yahoo.com

با تشکر  میلاد.ک

امیدوارم خوشتون اومده باشه.

از اینجا مربوط به انگلیسیه:                                                                             The english text for avril lavigne and her every one that love her

Avril Lavigne




Birth name

Avril Ramona Lavigne


September 27, 1984


Napanee, Ontario


Pop rock, Pop punk

Years active



RCA Records




Avril Ramona Lavigne (born September 27, 1984) is a Canadian pop rock singer-songwriter and actress who is known for her "skater punk" persona. Her two albums, Let Go (2002) and Under My Skin (2004), topped the charts in numerous countries.

Although her surname is of French origin, she herself does not speak French and her name is pronounced in an anglicized way, somewhat as [ləˈviːn] ("La-veen"), rather than [laˈviːɲ]. Her first name, Avril, is French for April, but is also pronounced in an anglicized, way as [ˈævrəl] ("Av-ril"), rather than [aˈvReel].











Early life

Born in Belleville, Ontario, to Franco-Ontarian Christian parents John and Judy Lavigne, Avril, at age five, moved with her family to Napanee, Ontario, Canada, where she sang in a church choir and taught herself to play the guitar.

She was discovered by her first professional manager, Cliff Fabri, while singing country covers at a Chapters bookstore in Kingston, Ontario. During a performance with the Lennox Community Theatre, Avril was spotted by local folksinger Steve Medd, who invited her to sing on his song Touch The Sky for his 1999 album Quinte Spirit. She also sang on Temple Of Life and Two Rivers for his followup album, My Window To You, in 2000.

At 16, she was signed by Ken Krongard, the artists-and-repertoire (A&R) representative of Arista Records, who invited his boss, Arista head Antonio "L.A." Reid, to hear her sing in a New York City studio. She then completed work on her first album.

Reportedly, early attempts to co-write songs for her failed to meet her approval, and Lavigne eventually moved to Los Angeles, California, and co-wrote her album with Clif Magness and the songwriting team The Matrix, which has also worked with Sheena Easton and Christina Aguilera. She described her first album, Let Go, as a pop album with "a couple of rock songs on it", and has voiced a desire to write more rock-oriented songs in the future. It was released by Arista on June 4, 2002, in the United States, reaching No. 2 there and No. 1 in Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom (making Lavigne the youngest female soloist to have a number-one album in the UK). It was certified four times platinum less than six months later by the RIAA, and had sold 15 million copies worldwide as of December 2004.

Four singles from the album were released, all of them hits. "Complicated" went to No. 1 in Australia while reaching No. 2 on the U.S. Hot 100, and was also one of the best-selling Canadian singles of 2002. "Sk8er Boi" reached the top ten in the U.S. and Australia and No. 1 in Canada, "I'm with You" reached the top five in the U.S., while "Losing Grip" reached No. 1 in Canada, the top ten in Taiwan, and the top twenty in Chile. The media have often compared Lavigne to Alanis Morissette (one of her favourite artists alongside Coldplay and The Goo Goo Dolls), who is also Canadian, as well as singer-songwriters such as Vanessa Carlton and Michelle Branch, who emerged at about the same time and were popularly credited, with Lavigne, as part of a trend towards more creativity in the teen pop-music market.

Lavigne was named "Best New Artist" at the 2002 MTV Video Music Awards, won four Juno Awards in 2003 (out of six nominations), a World Music Award for World's Best-Selling Canadian Singer, and was nominated for eight Grammy Awards.




Under My Skin (2004)

Under My Skin (2004)

Lavigne's second album, Under My Skin, was released on May 25, 2004 in the U.S. It debut at No. 1 in U.S.A, U.K., Germany, Japan, Australia, Canada, Spain, Ireland, Thailand, Korea and Hong Kong and sold more than 380,000 copies in U.S.A in it's first week. [1]. Lavigne wrote most of the album with Canadian singer-songwriter Chantal Kreviazuk, though some tracks were co-written by Lavigne and Ben Moody (formerly of Evanescence), Butch Walker of Marvelous 3, and the rest with her former lead guitarist Evan Taubenfeld. Kreviazuk's husband, Our Lady Peace frontman Raine Maida, co-produced the album with Butch Walker and Don Gilmore.

Lead single "Don't Tell Me" went to No. 1 in Argentina, top five in the U.K. and Canada, and top ten in Australia and Brazil. "My Happy Ending" reached the top ten in the U.S., and was her third-biggest hit to date there, but third single "Nobody's Home" did not make the top forty, though it reached the number one spot in Canada. The final single from the album, "He Wasn't", reached No. 1 in Canada, making the song her eighth No. 1 release since "Complicated", but failed to make the UK top twenty and was not released in the U.S.

Lavigne won two World Music Awards in 2004 for World's Best Pop/Rock Artist and World's Best-Selling Canadian Artist. She received five Juno Award nominations in 2005, picking up three, including Fan Choice Award, Artist of the Year and Pop Album of the Year. She also won the award for Favourite Female Singer at the eighteenth Annual Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards.[2]

Lavigne co-wrote "Breakaway", which was recorded by Kelly Clarkson for the soundtrack to the film The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004) and was later included on Clarkson's second album, Breakaway, being released as the album's first single. It went on to peak at No. 6 in the US and provided Clarkson with a substantial hit.

Lavigne is to make her film debut in the animated film Over the Hedge, which is based on the comic strip of same name, alongside William Shatner, Bruce Willis and Gary Shandling. She is also acting in the Richard Gere film The Flock, [3] and her third project is Fast Food Nation, based on her favourite book. Her co-stars in the film include Patricia Arquette, Bobby Cannavale, Ethan Hawke and Greg Kinnear. [4]

In January 2006, Lavigne signed a contract with Ford Models.[5]. She is appearing on the February edition of Harpers Bazaar Fashion Magazine with a new look. [6] Her third album is supposed to be released in November of 2006. Like her previous album, it should include collaborations with Kreviazuk and Maida.

Lavigne's band currently includes Devin Bronson (lead guitar), Craig Wood (rhythm guitar), Charlie Moniz (bass) and Matt Brann (drums). Former members include Evan Taubenfeld (lead guitar, 2002 – 2004), Mark Spicoluk (bass, 2002) and Jesse Colburn (rhythm guitar, 2002 – 2003). In 2003, it was reported that Lavigne was romantically involved with Colburn. Lavigne is engaged to be married to Deryck Whibley of the pop punk band Sum 41, and Mark Spicoluk was a former member of that band.

Lavigne performed "Who Knows" at the closing ceremony of the 2006 Winter Olympics (Turin, Italy) for the eight minutes of the Vancouver 2010 portion.[7]


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